Wednesday 9 October, Baden-Powell House, 65-67 Queens Gate, Kensington, London SW7 5JS
This conference is directed at charity and voluntary organisations and aims to give an introductory insight into the main areas associated with fire safety.
The Key Note Speech will discuss buildings in relation to fire safety – very topical at the moment following several high profile fires, and will lead into the rest of the conference which will be about how we effectively manage fire safety in the buildings we have responsibility for.
The conference programme covers the following topics :
Enforcement – The Legal Perspective
Fire Risk Assessment – A Charity’s Perspective
Business Continuity and Disaster Planning
The Insurance Perspective.
There will also be a case study presentation by Bob Bantock of the National Trust and their experiences in fire safety management in our historic buildings.
For more information visit
To book tickets visit the Eventbrite page
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