We only get one chance to have our dying wishes met, which means it’s vital to talk, plan and make arrangements for the end of life – before it’s too late. That’s why the theme of the fifth annual Dying Matters Awareness Week (taking place from 12 to 18 May 2014) is ‘Dying Matters: You only die once’.
The launch event is designed to support members in organising their own activities, and will see the launch of new resources, including new information materials to help encourage people to talk about and plan for the end of life, and an updated version of the “My Funeral Wishes” leaflet.
The packed programme includes key sessions covering:
- You only die once: practical steps to live and die well
- Changing people’s approach to dying: local, regional and national perspectives
- Maximising your impact during awareness week
- Action planning sessions
- Communicating the Dying Matters message: why it’s so important
On the day, there will be interactive sessions with a wide range of speakers, so whether you have already started to make plans for Awareness Week or would like some ideas to get you started, you’ll find support and advice relevant to you and your colleagues.
The event runs from 9.30am to 4pm, with lunch and refreshments provided. Places cost £50 per delegate. You can download the programme and book your place online via the Dying Matters website.
To find out more about Dying Matters, visit the website, call 08000 21 44 66 or email info@dyingmatters.org
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