Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health final draft published

Categories: Policy.

Almost 200 participants from over 80 countries (around 75 government delegations representing all 6 WHO regions) were present at the global consultation to give input into the document.  

Also present were about 35 non-governmental organisations with official relations with WHO, other UN agencies, and some 30 experts from research institutions, civil society organizations and other international organisations from around the world. Moreover, from the web-based survey, we have also received around 600 comments, many from Member States who could not participate in person. 

The WHO has drawn on this extensive feedback to develop a final draft strategy for consideration by the WHO Executive Board next week. The draft has been divided into two sections, a discussion of key issues and the proposed strategic response, and a tabulated summary of the proposed contributions by key stakeholders in the form of a Plan of Action covering 2016-2020. 

This final draft of the full Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health, a detailed report on the web-based consultation, and other information about the process and earlier drafts, can be accessed in English on the WHO website.

Stephen Connor, Executive Director of the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance, was present at the consultation. He said: “the WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health, as well as the World Report on Healthy Ageing, can be used as resources to engage colleagues and governments to ensure that palliative care is included in national strategies on ageing, due to the fact that access to palliative care is called for in both documents.” 

A brief summary of the draft Global Strategy and the complete draft Plan of Action 2016-2020 are also now available in all six WHO languages for consideration by the WHO Executive Board, as document EB138/16, and can be found online in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.  

The World Report on Ageing and Health, which was released just prior to the global consultation and provides much of the conceptual framework for the strategy, is available on the WHO website.

Read about the Global Consultation on the World Health Organization Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health on ehospice

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