Johns reaches first palliative care ward, Khartoum

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The Hospice African Adventure celebrates its first month on the road;  12 countries crossed, 5,654 miles traveled and one hospice visited.

Leaving Egypt on the Aswan ferry boat to Sudan was a relief with the political stability of Egypt becoming more volatile by the day. Fuel is in short supply and no-one knows what is around the corner.

Over the past week I have been traveling through changing landscapes from the dry desert of Sudan to the lush winter mountains of Ethiopia. Both the Sudanese and Ethiopian people have been very friendly and welcoming though a little intrigued by the arrival of a foreigner on a BMW bike!

After many miles, I finally reached Khartoum, the location of my first African hospice. I was privileged to spend two days with the medical professionals running this great ward in a country in which medical care is poorly financed. The palliative care ward has eight beds, caring for both adults and children. I was able to make a home visit to understand and witness the outreach programme first hand.

The experience was difficult, trying to understand the conditions and hurdles both patients and staff are up against; staff working without pay, patients having to fund their own medication, the ward having no secure future and hospital corruption. The ward is the first and only palliative care ward in Sudan, and since opening in 2010 has cared for 800 patients.

This week I will be visiting a second hospice, then crossing into Kenya via the famous 500km unsurfaced Bandit Road.

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