Online survey on pain management in children around the world

Categories: Research.

Children with life limiting illnesses often suffer from pain. Additionally, pain management can be challenging for providers due to uncertainty. As such, ICPCN invites you to complete an online survey to understand what role the ICPCN can play in improving pain management in children around the world. 

A recently formed task force conducted a worldwide multi-professional survey and determined the following areas were of great importance to paediatric palliative care professionals:

This survey seeks to understand what aspects of these areas are important to pursue. It should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.   

Participation is completely voluntary and you may choose to not submit your survey without penalty.  There are no direct benefits, risks, or compensation to you for participating in this study; however, the medical community at large will benefit by understanding which aspects of children’s palliative care you feel are important to focus research and education efforts.  Your identity will remain anonymous and all data will be kept on password protected computers and secure servers.

Once you begin the survey, you will need to complete it within 24 hours.  Note that the survey is not limited to those who provide direct patient care. 

Follow this link to beign the survey:

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