Webinar: Meeting our Global Paediatric Palliative Care Family

Categories: Education and Featured.

The Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network will be hosting a webinar on ‘Meeting our Global Paediatric Palliative Care Family’ on 27 February 2024 (Tues), 1-2 pm (Singapore Time). We are honoured to have Nurse Theresia Oktariana Sitorus (Indonesia), Dr Ng Su Fang (Malaysia) & Dr Nickson Tai Boon Khean as our speakers for this session!

To check your local time for the webinar, click here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/


In September 2023, the St Jude Global team have successfully organised the 5th iteration of the St Jude Global Academy in Palliative Care at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. They brought together 35 multidisciplinary healthcare professionals from 26 different countries on campus for a week-long learning, reflection and networking. It was also an opportunity to designing a future where children with cancer around the world receive high-quality palliative care regardless of location or resources.

Let’s hear from our SEA candidates – Ana (Indonesia), Nickson (Malaysia), and Su Fang (Malaysia), as they share about their learning and networking experience during the St Jude Academy 2023.

Speaker Bio

Theresia Oktariana Sitorus, MNg

Palliative Care Nurse, Wocare Foundation

Ana is a nurse with experience in clinical, educational, and managerial roles. She partners with WOCARE foundation to provide community-based palliative care to children and adults with life-limiting conditions in Jakarta and Bogor. Actively promoting palliative education, Ana shares her knowledge with healthcare professionals, nursing students, and the community. She also collaborates with local stakeholders to advocate for the implementation of palliative care initiatives in Indonesia.

Ng Su Fang

Paediatrician in Likas Hospital, Sabah, Malaysian Ministry of Health

Dr Ng Su Fang is a paediatrician working in Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital (Hospital Likas) since 2009. She recently completed her subspecialty training in General Paediatrics and Child Health with special interest in paediatric palliative care. Currently she is leading the paediatric palliative care unit in Hospital Likas and at the same time working closely with local communities for home care services and support.

Nickson Tai Boon Khean

Fellow in Paediatric Palliative Medicine, Malaysian Ministry of Health

Nickson is a Paediatrician currently doing his fellowship in Paediatric Palliative Medicine under the Malaysian Ministry of Health. Believing in empowering his team and community to provide good quality palliative care to children with serious illnesses, he has been actively involved in Paediatric Palliative Care advocacy and education. Nickson aspires to see palliative care integrated into existing paediatric service as he believes that access to good quality palliative care is a right for all children with life-limiting conditions.

The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Register here.

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