Graphic Values History Tool

Categories: Care, Education, Highlight, People & Places, and Research.

CHPCA is pleased to continue our knowledge translation agreement with Dr. John You (funded by the Canadian Frailty Network) to highlight the results of the iDECIDE study. The overall objective of the iDECIDE project wasto improve end-of-life (EOL) communication and decision making for seriously ill, hospitalized elderly patients. By improving communication and decision-making near or at the EOL, patients’ and families’ experience can dramatically improve as they journey through the final days, improve the work experience for health care professionals, and avoid unwanted health care interventions at the EOL.

The iDECIDE team recently published an article in BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care that reports on the use and impact of the Short Graphic Values History Tool (GVHT) within the study. The GVHT assesses values related to pain management, maintaining dignity, desire to minimize burden on others, avoidance of dependence on others, religion, and the desire to live as long as possible. Questions ask the participant to choose 1 of 5 response options on a colour Likert scale. Patients (N=157) in family practice, cancer clinics, and hospitals were recruited to complete the tool, and afterwards they reported decreases in decisional conflict and increases in their contemplation and readiness to engage in ACP. In short, the GVHT was found to be both acceptable and valid for use to support person-centred decision making during serious illness.

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