Please find below a compilation of articles both in English and French about this contentious issue. Do you know of an article that hasn’t been included? Please contact Vanessa Sherry.
- Assisted dying: Is there a compassionately Canadian approach?, Vancouver Sun, September 26
- Opinion: Is there a compassionately Canadian approach?, Montreal Gazette, September 27
- Opinion: More and better palliative care is needed, Montreal Gazette, September 27
- It’s time for discussion on assisted suicide: Matthews, Canadian Press, September 26
- Donald Low’s video plea puts assisted-suicide spotlight on Ontario, Globe and Mail, September 26
- La PM de l’Ontario réclame un débat sur le suicide assisté, La Presse, le 26 septembre
- Projet de loi nº 52 – Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie : La FIQ pose la contribution des professionnelles en soins au cœur de ses recommandations, Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé, le 26 septembre
- The Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice: Euthanasia – dangerous for patients not at the end of life, illegal for doctors and a conflict of interest for the government, Health News Network, September 26
- Doc-assisted suicide needs public debate: Ontario health minister, Sun News, September 26
- Sept. 26: Last rights in the debate on dying, and other letters to the editor, Globe and Mail, September 26
- “Medically-assisted dying” in Québec: “Homicide”, therefore “unconstitutional” – Major objections from opponents, Health News Network, September 26
- Ottawa shuts down health minister’s call to discuss assisted suicide, The Record, September 25
- It’s time to talk about assisted suicide: Ontario health minister, The Canadian Press, September 25
- Assisted Suicide Canada: Deb Matthews, Ontario Health Minister, Welcomes Debate, Huff Post Politics, September 25
- Suicide assisté: la ministre de la Santé de l’Ontario veut ouvrir le débat, 98.5FM, le 25 septembre
- Canada: le débat sur l’euthanasie relancé après la mort d’un célèbre médecin, Le journal de montréal, le 26 septembre
- Dying doctor asks for changes to assisted suicide laws, The Record, September 24, 2013
- SARS doctor Donald Low pleads for legalized assisted suicide in posthumous video, September 24, Calgary Herald
- Ombudsperson addresses parliamentary committee examining Bill 52, reported on ehospice, September 24, 2013
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