Sharon Carstairs Community Award

Categories: Leadership.

Purpose: To recognize and support exemplary leadership by a community or a community organization

or group in providing or improving hospice and palliative care service in Manitoba.


Criteria: Must be a community or community organization based in Manitoba that meets the


 The organization:

  • Provides leadership and builds community networks or resources (e.g. links or collaborates with other organizations to create new resources)
  • Demonstrates impacts on the community (e.g. the number of clients/families served in community or facility, the number of staff/volunteers educated and involved (direct care, fundraising, or otherwise )
  • Advances community understanding, engagement and support of hospice and palliative care in areas of education, fundraising, family support, advocacy (e.g. provides services, organizes events (educational and/or fundraising) and/or reaches out to the media to offer information and raise awareness)
  • Demonstrates innovative and creative use of resources in the organization and community (provide an example).

The specific project:

  • Identifies a project that the organization wishes to pursue in the community
  • Outlines the planned use of the Sharon Carstairs Caring Community Award (financial award intended for a specific purpose beyond general operational funds)
  • Identifies plans or on-going efforts to solicit matching funds if appropriate.

The Award:

The successful applicant will receive a certificate and a cheque for $ 1,000.00 (one thousand dollars). The award will be presented at the Hospice & Palliative Care Manitoba Provincial Conference on Friday, September 27, 2013 at 1:00 pm. The Award will be given to only one community or organization each year and not to the same group in consecutive years. Past winners are eligible to reapply after two (2) years.


  • Completed application form signed by the applicant must be received or post marked by HPCM no later than July 31, 2013.
  • At least two letters of support by people not directly involved in the project.

The successful applicant allows his/her name and the name of the organization/group to be used in HPCM promotional materials.


For more information or to receive an application form: Contact Joan Lawless at or 204-889-8525 ext. 232 or visit our website at

Deadline: July 31, 2013

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