Three weeks until the 20th International Conference of IAPC

Categories: Education.

The theme of the conference is: Challenges in Palliative Care. The conference will be held at NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore from 8-10 February 2013.

A list of participants registered for the conference is available on the IAPCCON2013 website. Participants are requested to check this list. If there are any correction to the names please contact the conference co-ordinator

As the theme indicates, this conference will discuss challenges in palliative care. International and national faculty in palliative care will be participating.

Registration is open

Those who are not yet registered for the 20th International Conference are requested to register onlineSpot registration is also available. 

Pre-Conference Workshops

There are two pre-conference workshops. To register for the pre-conference workshops, please email the confrence co-ordinator. Please mention
 “Pre-Conference Workshop Registration”in the subject line. 

Workshop on Paediatric Palliative Care:
The pre-conference workshop on Paediatric Palliative Care will be held at New Seminar Hall, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology on February 7, 2013 from 08:45 am to 2:00pm. 

Workshop for Nurses in Palliative Care: The pre-conference workshop for Nurses in Palliative Care will be held on the same day (Feburary 7, 2013) at the Auditorium of Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology from 8:30am  to 4:00pm.

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