“The work that Julia and the wider network of the ICPCN undertake is truly inspiring. We are delighted, and frankly feel honoured, to be able to help them in a small way to support the families and children living with life limiting conditions”
(Charlie Langhorne MD of Wild in Art)
“We are delighted to be launching our new website and brand today, and are enormously grateful to Wild in Art, Cornerstone and Rob Brannon for their support in enabling us to reach this exciting stage. Though our vital services continue unabated to facilitate more, and better, provision of palliative care to the world’s estimated 21 million children and young people, who urgently need that support, we believe our new refreshed brand image and an easier to navigate website will ensure that we can bring our work to the attention of many more worldwide – whether children and families, professionals or potential donors.”
(Mike Palfreman, Chair of the ICPCN Board)
“We are so excited to be launching our new branding and website – I am so grateful to all those who have been part of this process and thank the ICPCN staff for their ongoing support and the hours that they have put into this work.”
(Prof Julia Downing, Chief Executive ICPCN)
After many months of hard work, the International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN) is proud to announce that we have launched our new and improved website . You can visit our bright, new and exciting website at www.icpcn.org. The new website is faster, more user-friendly and easier to navigate. Our amazing, hardworking, and efficient staff have spent several months building this website together with the website developers – Cornerstone Design & Marketing.
The ICPCN is a worldwide network of individuals and organisations working with children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. We actively work to improve the lives of the estimated 21 million children with life-limiting conditions worldwide through Communication, Advocacy, Research, Education and Strategic development (ICPCN CARES).
What’s new on the website?
ICPCN aims to provide a global voice for children’s palliative care and to advocate for the rights of children to receive the palliative care they require. It is important for us to make information regarding children’s palliative care easily accessible to everyone across different platforms, especially the website. We hope that you will find our new website useful and simple to navigate, while at the same time being able to access information on ICPCN’s impact, important research, news items, stories, events and a wide range of resources.
Amongst the new features, the menu bars and section blocks are easier to access and navigate and the website is well-organised and visually appealing. It is still possible to translate the website into different languages making it easier understood by people from all over the world. We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, articles, stories, newsletters, announcements, events and general CPC news.
We hope you find the new website easy to access and enjoyable to use and would be pleased to receive any comments you may have. As always we will be continually updating and revising the website – so please do send us your news, stories and events so that we can add them and ensure that the website is kept up to date and useful. We are also aware that some of the organisational details in our members directory might be out of date, so please do check this carefully on the new website and let us know of any changes that are needed.
Our new brand.
The ICPCN has also been working on a new brand concurrently with the website development. You will notice that there is a change in the logo and brand colours. The new logo symbolises hope with the bright orange rising sun, which rises and sets every day and it also symbolises the circle of life. Every sunrise gives people hope for the new day and the sun also unites us, brings us together and symbolises equity as we all see the same sun regardless of where we live. It is also universal in nature, reaching across cultural, religious and spiritual belief systems. The sun in our logo could be rising or it could be setting – and within our work we acknowledge that the sun sets for some of the children that we care for – that is part of palliative care. Core to our work as ICPCN is increasing and improving access to palliative care for children around the world, regardless of where they live, their age, race, gender, religion or their life-limiting or life-threatening condition. Hence our new strapline “Improving palliative care for the world’s children”. Together we can achieve this as we work together to develop and strengthen the provision of palliative care for children and their families around the world.
Our new website and brand would not have been possible without the support and generosity of Wild in Art who funded this. They have made this huge step possible and afforded ICPCN the opportunity to move forward, to rebrand and develop the new website and logo. We would also like to thank Rob Brannon from Rob Designs who worked with us on the branding along with Theresa Wilds, and the team at Cornerstone Design & Marketing for all their hard work, patience and support in developing the website.
For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please contact us on communciations@icpcn.org. We hope that you like our new look as much as we do and look forward to your ongoing contributions to the stories, news items, events, resources, #HatsOn4CPC celebrations and much more.
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