Call for Abstracts for the 2nd ICPCN Conference in Argentina

Categories: Education.

The 2nd ICPCN Conference will take place in the vibrant city of Buenos Aires from 18 – 21 May 2016. A ‘Call for Abstracts’ was issued today with a closing deadline of 26 October 2015.

The conference theme is ‘Children’s Palliative Care – NOW!’ and provides for abstracts for presentations and/or posters in the following thematic areas:

  1. Pain and symptom management, including non pharmacological therapies
  2. Psychosocial aspects of care including grief and bereavement
  3. Spiritual care in clinical practice
  4. Ethics
  5. Education for children’s palliative care
  6. Perinatal palliative care
  7. Children’s palliative care and Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
  8. Transition from children’s to adult palliative care services
  9. Family and volunteers perspectives
  10. Organisation of services, including the role of schools and other organisations

Abstract submission must be made online and can be accessed through the ICPCN Conference website.

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