Gordon Brown MP Announces New Diana Nursing Posts

Categories: In The Media.

The Diana Children’s Nurses will be funded by up to £275,000 each year, considered to be in perpetuity, from the Scottish Government using funds which were allocated by the UK Government to commemorate the life of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Gordon Brown MP, who chaired the UK Government’s Diana Memorial Committee in his role as Chancellor for the Exchequer,  had this to say:
“I am delighted that CHAS will establish a team of three Diana Children’s Nurses. They will help the most vulnerable children in the greatest need and will fulfil both the ambition of Princess Diana and the objectives we set down many years ago to remember Princess Diana’s service to the community in the most positive of ways.”

CHAS will employ the Diana nurses who will work across Scotland to develop children’s palliative care with each based in one area: West, East and North. It is anticipated that these posts will also have a base within the NHS and work predominantly in children’s hospitals in Scotland, allowing CHAS services to reach more children; provide those children with more choice as to where and how to be cared for; and support professionals.

Maria McGill, CHAS Chief Executive said: “It is a huge privilege for CHAS to have been awarded this funding from The Scottish Government to create these Diana Children’s Nurses posts for Scotland which commemorate the life of Diana, Princess of Wales. We are looking forward to working together with NHS Scotland to enhance the care of children with life-shortening conditions.”

Click here to read the full story on the CHAS website. 

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