New look website for ICPCN

Categories: In The Media.

ICPCN also wanted to redesign the website to respond to the changing needs of ICPCN members who use the website to support their work on a daily basis. All the essential information that could be found on the old website has been transferred to the new site, which has enhanced navigation to make it much easier to find what you want with minimal clicks. The site has also used cleaner lines to make it more visually appealing.

Interactive features
There are a number of additional interactive features on the new site, such as the addition of Google Maps to show exactly where a conference or event will be held. In time greater use will be made of this mapping facility to provide up to the moment information on palliative care provision around the globe and the people who can be contacted for guidance on activities related to children’s palliative care in specific countries.

New address
Possibly the biggest change to the website is its new address, which is now ICPCN made the decision to remove the ‘uk’ from the end of the address to bring it in line with their international profile and to make it easier for people to remember. For the next few months, both the old address and the new one will lead people to the same site.

For both convenience and financial reasons, the new website has been moved from its home in the UK and has been built and will be hosted from within South Africa. ICPCN members are assured that this will make no difference to the quality or the accessibility of the site.

Joan Marston, ICPCN’s Chief Executive had this to say about the launch: “As the provision of high quality and up-to-date information is a cornerstone of the work that we undertake, we are delighted to be able to continue to bring our members and the members of the general public a site which we hope they will find both useful and user friendly. However, we are very open to comment and would value the opinions and thoughts of our members on ways to improve their browsing experience.”

She went on to say, “ICPCN is indebted to our dedicated funders who prove their belief in the important work that we do through their continued financial support. Without them, this new website would not have been a possibility.” 

The ICPCN will continue to provide an excellent information service to its members through this new website. News and events will be regularly updated as will information on any interesting developments and new research within the field.

Members are encouraged to visit the new site at and send any feedback to

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