New paediatric education module for students in Australia

Categories: Education.

This learning topic follows the story of Emily, a child with congenital hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The film outlines a realistic approach about how to speak with paediatric patients and their families from a professional perspective, plus how families help deal with the complexities of dealing with the difficult time.

Professor Patsy Yates, the PCC4U project director, stated that the evidence based and peer reviewed material, with an associated video vignette, was developed in response to an identified need for a student centred learning resource that focused on the particular issues for children with life limiting illnesses and their families.

‘It also incorporates a rural setting and telehealth concepts as key components of providing a palliative approach to Emily’s care,’ said Professor Yates.

The new focus topic ‘Caring for children with life limiting conditions’ is now available on the PCC4U website

The PCC4U project is part of the Australian Government National Palliative Care Program. It aims to encourage the integration of palliative care training within all health undergraduate and relevant postgraduate curricula and by doing so, further improve the skill and confidence of the generalist workforce to work with people with palliative care needs.

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