Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) is a newly formed knowledge mobilization network (incorporated as a not‐for‐profit organization), based at Dalhousie University and co‐led by Children’s Healthcare Canada, that seeks to bridge the gap between current treatment practices and available evidence‐based solutions for children’s pain in Canadian health institutions.
SKIP is looking for a Director of Operations, to occupy a full time position. The successful candidate will report to the SKIP Co-Directors, Dr Christine Chambers & Mr Doug Maynard.
Responsibilities will include the day-to-day planning and operations of SKIP which includes fiscal management of the annual budget, staff recruitment and retention, strategic and operational planning and administrative centre management.
A minimum of Masters Level education (MBA, MHA, or MHSA) or equivalent is necessary. The incumbent should also have a minimum of 5 years experience in a management capacity at the organizational level, a broad understanding of the health system, a passion for the promotion of child health, and superior interpersonal and leadership skills.
Applicants should email one PDF document that includes a cover letter and recent C.V. or resume that that clearly indicates that they meet the required qualifications to before 21 January 2019
Qualifications and requirements for the position are listed in full here.
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