Schools in the UK provide support to children with palliative care needs

Categories: In The Media.

“There are currently 49 000 young people in the UK, who are under the age of 19 living with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions: that is one child in every 270, or an average one per school.” TheTogether for Short Lives has created a guide which assists schools to provide education to ill children. “Children have been excluded from school because there wasn’t the willingness to put in place a plan that meant they could carry on coming in,” said James Cooper policy manager at Together for Short Lives.

The article continues to explain the importance of regular staff training to ensure that any staffs that are involved in caring for the child are confident and capable of carrying out any needed procedures. Helen Dummett, deputy vice principal at West Park Academy in Darlington suggests ways to keep lines of communication open between the parent and the school, “taking the time to keep listening to what parents and their child want, being willing to make the effort to adapt school practices to the students changing needs, and finding creative ways to ensure continued contact with school when they can’t physically make it in, are ways to keep the lines of communication open.” To read the full article, click here.

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