5th International African Palliative Care Conference announced

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The theme of the conference, “Hospice and Palliative Care: Resolution to Action” focuses on the action required to bring about the change that is still so urgently needed across Africa and around the world following the 2014 World Health Assembly resolution, that says every country needs to develop a national strategy for palliative care.

The conference will be held in Kampala, Uganda and jointly co-hosted by the African Palliative Care Association and the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance. The partnership is expected to enhance the learning across continents, across professional cadre groups while enhancing the multidisciplinary nature of palliative care development and delivery.

“We expect to have a high degree of North-South as well as South-South sharing of best practices, learning, networking and presentation of evidence based papers from all over the world,” said APCA Executive Director, Dr Emmanuel Luyirika. “This is an opportunity for Africans to further strengthen their palliative care programmes and systems especially at a time when the palliative care resolution has been passed and the WHO is expected to report on it in May 2016.” 

“Everyone has a role to play – whether at a local, national or international level, said David Praill, outgoing conference chair for the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance. “Only by working together will we have the strength of voice and determination of will required to make the changes required if all those who need hospice and palliative care are to receive it.”

To receive email updates on conference developments, please email communications@africanpalliativecare.org.

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