A series of WHO guides with practical guidance to strengthen palliative care (PC) was published over the past years, providing countries with practical advice on integrating PC into health systems.
- The technical report ‘Assessing the development of PC worldwide: a set of actionable indicators’, published in 2021, provides a globally applicable and robust set of PC indicators to Member States that can be used to assess and monitor the provision of PC services in countries worldwide.
- It aimed to apply the WHO’s new framework for PC development, which includes six dimensions, namely empowering people and communities, health policies, research, education and training, use of essential medicines, and provision of PC-integrated healthcare services.
Atlantes Global Observatory of Palliative Care (University of Navarra, Spain) launched a new free training opportunity for palliative care referents: Consultant in Global Assessment and Monitoring of National Palliative Care Development.
Atlantes Global Observatory, as a WHO Collaborating Centre of Palliative Care, hopes to contribute to the WHO’s desire to make palliative care part of the essential portfolio of health services provided to the whole population, globally, whatever the national context, particularly in countries where palliative care is almost non-existent.
This training opportunity aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the WHO’s approach to assessing and monitoring the development of palliative care at a national level. Through theoretical and practical online sessions, participants will learn about the key concepts and principles of palliative care development and the methods and tools used to evaluate and monitor progress.
This course has been developed under the leadership of palliative care experts Carlos Centeno and Vilma Tripodoro, following the directives outlined by the WHO. These directives have been deliberated and agreed upon by a consortium of international experts for monitoring the global development of palliative care (1). Additionally, the programme is supported by a technical team and training facilitators: Laura Monzón, Eduardo Garralda and Álvaro Montero.
This course facilitates knowledge transfer from extensive research as a practical tool developed in collaboration with the WHO over the past decade. It trains international palliative care experts to create country-specific indicators, enabling certification and supporting the WHO’s global monitoring mandate. The content will theoretically be taught through videos and official documents and culminate with a country assessment questionnaire. Five-module course: The content modules encompass all the theoretical knowledge, each of which concludes with questionnaires to assess the country.
General objectives of the accredited course
- To understand the key concepts and principles of palliative care development and the WHO’s approach to assessing and monitoring PC development at a national level.
- To know the methods and tools used to evaluate and monitor progress in the development of palliative care, including data collection, analysis, and reporting.
- To assess the current state of palliative care development in their own country, identify areas for improvement, and develop effective strategies for advancing palliative care services.
The course certification will be accredited by completing the four questionnaires found at the end of each unit, thus obtaining a comprehensive report on the development of palliative care in participants´ countries. This certification is an in-house title issued by the University of Navarra that accredits a teaching load of 1 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), equivalent to 25 hours of work. The certification will be sent electronically to participants who have completed the course.
Pre-registration sign up here:
English: https://bit.ly/3u1zE92
Contact persons: lmonzonlla@external.unav.es, amonteroc@unav.es and egarralda@unav.es @AtlantesPC
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