Dying in prison: ‘Both sides of the fence’

Categories: Care.

Based at Lancaster University and led by Dr Mary Turner, this 30-month study aims to develop a transferable model of palliative and end of life care for prisoners. The group has been working in a prison in the north west of England, collecting data and exploring the issues raised by end of life care for both staff and prisoners, and how this fits with the specialist (usually hospice) provision in the community.

The researchers address thorny questions of why people are dying in prison, who they are and whether they should be dying there at all. In the ehospice articles, Dr Peacock outlines the sorts of social changes that lie behind these complex issues and explores some of the challenges in providing end of life care and what it can be like to research such a sensitive topic in a prison setting.

Read Part One and Part Two of Dying in prison: ‘Both sides of the fence’ on the UK edition of ehospice. 

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