The Instrument is an initiative of the European Commission, aimed at developing the cooperation between the European Union and the partner countries by ensuring integrated and sustainable regional development.
Kseniya Shapoval, coordinator at the International Research Foundation in the Ukraine, commented on the need for fundraising to delevlop palliative care in the region. She said: “During the last 5 years, the Open Society Foundation and the International Renaissance Foundation have supported activities and initiatives from different parts of Ukraine for the development of palliative care systems. For a county with a total population of more than 44 million, only 7 Hospices and 55 palliative care units are accessible, and less than 10 home care teams. Any successful fundraising campaign for development palliative care on local level is really important for palliative care providers.”
Mary Callaway, of the Open Society Foundation, commented on the importance of the awarding of such a sizable grant to a palliative care project. She said: “It’s important for other palliative care providers to hear about this extraordinary grant, and that the EU is supporting palliative care development.”
ehospice caught up with Volodymyr Shevchuk, who is administering the grant. Mr Shevchuk is the director of the Communal Enterprise: ‘Local Development Agency Vinogradivchyni,’ as well as the chairman of the board of the charity organization: ‘Joint Union of Society’ in Ukraine.
What is the title of your project?
The project is called “Institutional cooperation between Vynogradiv district and Sanok province in development of the palliative care provision.”
Where is the project located?
In Vynogradiv, in the Transcarpathian region of the Ukraine, and in Sankok in Poland.
What was the amount of the grant you received from the EU?
The grant amount is 1,087,428.99 EUR.
What stage is the project at now?
We are preparing to sign the grant agreement. The estimated date of signing is November 15, 2012.
What will the funds be used for?
The grant funds will be used for the purchase of medical devices for our Polish partners (St. Albert Help Society, Sanok Regional Unit, Sanok, Poland), for building facilities in Sanok, and for hospice facility for Ukrainian partners in Vynogradiv town. We will also be undertaking the reconstruction of the building in Vinogradiv town using the latest energy-saving technologies.
How did you apply for this grant?
We submitted our application under a call for proposals by the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument according to specified requirements.
More information about the 2007-2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument can be found online. Further information about European development and cooperation can be found on the Europeaid website.
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