Few children with chronic illness have an advanced directive

Categories: Research.

Among the 307 participants surveyed, 38% had heard of advanced directives but only 8 (2.6%) reported that their child had an advanced directive.

However, 49.2% had interest in creating an advanced directive for their child.

The researchers also found that prior knowledge about advanced directives was more likely among parents and caregivers who had a college degree and significantly less likely among primarily Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers.

Talking to 2 Minute Medicine, study author Dr Danica Liberman, said: “Although paediatric palliative care is gaining interest within the medical community, knowledge about advance directives remains limited among caregivers of children with chronic illness. However, interest in creating advance directives is high, suggesting an unmet need and opportunity for healthcare providers to improve the care of children with chronic illness.”

The research has been published in the journal: Pediatrics.

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