The course, created by Sheffield Hallam University and St Luke’s Hospice, is entitled ‘Conversations about end of life care’. It runs for four weeks and covers four themes:
- talking about death and dying
- spiritual and cultural aspects of end of life care
- preparing for dying
- bereavement.
Participants will be able to take part at work or from home and, while there will be a live webinar each week, participants will be able to access recordings of these and other material at any time they wish.
The course designed to take around three to four hours, although it is up to the participants how much time they wish to commit.
Anyone who comes into contact with patients receiving end of life care could benefit from the course, with organisers specifically targeting nurses, allied health professionals, patients, carers, volunteers and service users.
Sue Willis, course leader at Sheffield Hallam University, said: “This course will provide a unique opportunity for participants to reflect on their own beliefs about death and dying and to engage in conversations about end of life, learning from the experiences of patients, carers and specialists in the field.”
The course begins on 2 November 2015 and you can find out more about the course, and register, on the PebblePad website.
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