International Public Health and Palliative Care Conference – abstract submission deadline extended

Categories: Education.

The 4th International Public Health & Palliative Care Conference is being held in Bristol, England from 11 to 16 May 2015.

Abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations and workshops should relate to the conference theme ‘Community Resilience in Practice’ and fall under one of the six key theme areas:

  • Participatory approaches – this theme describes participation as both a process and an outcome, which leads to people being able to take control and make decisions about their lives. It can involve an array of methods and techniques.
  • Engaging communities – work that engages with communities as partners, recognising the knowledge and skill they possess.
  • Low resource settings – projects or studies that involve resourcefulness in the context of low resource settings, with resources being understood in the widest sense. This will include, for example, marginalised communities or those with limited financial, material or social resources.
  • Learning from other sectors – examples of a public health approach exist in many other sectors in health, social care and other disciplines.
  • Public health and policy – policy shapes the environment we work in and is essential in developing a public health approach to palliative care. This theme includes work with governments, policy makers, non-governmental organisations and other organisations.
  • Reframing dying, loss and grief – this theme focuses on reclaiming dying, loss and grief as social phenomena, experienced by people and communities, rather than as purely medical events. The lived experience is essential to recognise and this complements professional perspectives.

Find out more about the conference, including how to submit abstracts and apply for bursaries on the conference website.

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