Pain and pancreatic cancer was developed by the charity following research conducted with people affected by pancreatic cancer, which found that although there is a lot of information available about cancer pain, there is nothing specific about managing pain for people with pancreatic cancer.
The booklet aims to close this information gap. As well as containing vital information for patients and their families, it will also be useful for professionals working in palliative and supportive care.
The publication covers the different types of pain experienced by people with pancreatic cancer, the causes of this pain, and the different ways it can be managed. Throughout it places a special emphasis on the importance of telling medical teams about any pain as soon as possible, in order to get it under control.
The new booklet is based on the latest evidence and reviewed by health professionals to ensure it is accurate and reflects best practice. The authors also worked closely with people affected by pancreatic cancer to ensure that it meets their needs and is easy to understand.
The booklet is accredited by the Information Standard as providers of trustworthy health and care information. It is available to download and can be ordered free at
This article originally appeared on the UK edition of ehospice.
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