Participate in the #hpm and #hpmglobal tweetchats

Categories: Community Engagement.

The #hpm tweetchats are organised and moderated by @aliciabloom, @rfberry and @ctsinclair, while the #hpmglobal tweetchat is organised and moderated by @jfclearywisc.They provide a place for hospice and palliative care professionals to converse and share ideas online. Previous #hpm tweetchat transcripts can be viewed on the Tumblr page

A slideshow provides a simple introduction to the #hpm tweetchat, and also a guide on how to sign up and join in the conversation in. Simply follow the #hpm and #hpmglobal links at the designated times to watch the tweets update on the page in real time. To contribute, sign into a Twitter account and make sure to add the text #hpm or #hpmglobal to each tweet.

The tweetchat schedules are as follows:

  • #hpm tweetchats take place every Wednesday 9pm PST and anyone is invited to contribute, although conversations may focus on US-centric issues.
  • #hpmglobal tweetchats take place Mondays 1pm GMT, and are aimed at an international audience.

Ehospice previously published a guide to palliative care and social media which provides a guide to using Twitter, as well as the use of other social media outlets.

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