Tracking the blogosphere

Categories: In The Media.

Farewell to my daughter, Kate, who died on Christmas day

UK – The Guardian

“My daughter Kate died at 6.29 am on Christmas Day – 10 minutes before her five-year-old twins, Oscar and Isaac, came out of their room and asked: “Is it morning?” Barely enough time for her husband Billy to hold Kate’s hand and say goodbye before stocking-opening, which, of course, cannot be delayed.”

Sharing your genius in hospice and palliative care

US – Pallimed

“We in hospice and palliative care need to “show our work”.  We need to talk and write and tweet and so forth about what we do.  This is important for so many reasons, not the least of which is that it is the right thing to do.”

Self-care: Is it selfish?

US – Palliverse

“I’ve been thinking about the ways in which ‘total care’ might include clinicians themselves. How enlightened is it for nurses to wear the symptoms of burnout or compassion fatigue as a ‘badge of honour’?”

Why Writing Matters

US – Changing the Way We Die blog

“At the end of life, many people find they finally have the time and the motivation to do things they’ve always wanted to do… Writing a book comes up often – surprisingly often, considering how much work it usually involves.”

Want to know what Atul Gawande thinks? Read this interview

US – Kevin MD

“One of the joys of my recent sabbatical in Boston was the opportunity to spend some time with Atul, getting to see what an inspirational leader and superb mentor he is, along with being a warm and menschy human being.”

Art from bereavement: ‘There are no words when your baby dies’

Ireland – The Irish Times

Laura absent is the measure these days. Laura absent is the filter through which everything is viewed, the filter that has brought life into sharper focus than ever before, but in so doing has blurred all that went before it. Who am I in this place? How am I? What is this place that is at once the same and yet so very, very different?

Why the EU-funded project ‘Development of Palliative Care in Serbia’ is so important to me

Serbia – EAPC Blog

“More than 20 years ago I attended my first palliative cancer care course in Oxford, UK. At that time I was working as a medical oncologist at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology in Belgrade. We did not know much about palliative care and had very poor knowledge about chronic pain management. That course changed my attitude towards cancer treatment and death and dying and since then I have been trying to introduce palliative care in Serbia.”

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