World hospice and palliative care news roundup – 17 June 2016

Categories: In The Media.

Researchers explore how African-Americans use spirituality to ease burden of chronic illnesses

US – News Medical

Spirituality plays a central role in many aspects of African-American culture, and University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing postdoctoral scholar Deborah Ejem, Ph.D., will explore how significant a factor it is in the relationships among patients with chronic illnesses and their caregivers and clinicians.

Stages of aging and how to adapt

US – Daily Light

In the next few decades, America will experience a gerontological explosion, and it’s critical that adults recognize the stages of aging to prepare for the high probability of disease and decline.

Dying In A Hospital Means More Procedures, Tests And Costs

US – Shots

People who die in the hospital undergo more intense tests and procedures than those who die anywhere else.

Nicotine withdrawal: An under-recognised cause of terminal restlessness

Australia – EAPC

Dr Shamila Ginige, Medical Resident, Monash Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia explains the background to her longer article published in the May/June edition of the European Journal of Palliative Care. Shamila describes how nicotine withdrawal is an under-recognised and easily reversible contributor to agitation in the final days of life.

End of life choices are vital, but not cut and dried

Australia – The Age

I lost both my parents at a relatively young age for them. Mum went with a respiratory illness at 66 and dad died four years later because he couldn’t engage in life anymore without her.

JPSM original articles, June 2016

ehospice USA

Review the list of original articles appearing in the June 2016 edition of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.

Music therapy brings relief to children with cancer

ehospice International Children’s edition

774 ABC Melbourne recently published an article about the important role of music therapy in easing pain for children with cancer and palliative care needs.

Passion and Hard work: Gatundu Level 4 Hospital’s new dawn

ehospice Kenya

In central Kenya, Kiambu County lies the beautiful landscapes of coffee and tea plantation that creates a serene atmosphere. The long meandering roads lead us towards Gatundu town.

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