World hospice and palliative care news roundup – 19 January 2016

Categories: In The Media.

The ‘cuddle blanket’ helping families spend time with their loved ones after death

UK – Daily Echo

Children’s hospice Julia’s House has been able to purchase a vital new piece of equipment, thanks to funding from the Gannett Foundation. The grant, worth £5,250, will fully fund the cost of a ‘cuddle blanket’, which helps grieving families spend time with their loved one after they have died.

Dear David: Doctor’s thank you letter to Bowie for helping him talk to patients about death


A doctor who specialises in end-of-life care has written a letter to David Bowie thanking the singer for helping him talk with people about the “weighty” subject of death.

Palliative care is more cost-effective for patients with multimorbidity

US – Economics of Cancer Blog

​A 2011 article in the New England Journal of Medicine warned that the prodigious and persistent growth of cancer costs in the United States in the 21st century was simply not sustainable.

I’m dependent on narcotics; that doesn’t mean I’m an addict

US – Salon

As a person who relies on pain medication to get by, I’m forced to feel shame every time I step inside a pharmacy.

Doctors grieve too: a lesson I did not learn in medical school

US – Kevin MD

“She is not yours to grieve.” That statement, from another physician, hours after Ava died and as pent up tears rolled down my face, left me embarrassed and ashamed.

David Bowies Sohn bricht sein Schweigen: Duncan Jones teilt Brief von Palliativarzt

Germany – Rolling Stone

David Bowies Sohn beendet seine Social-Media-Pause, um den an seinen Vater gerichteten Dankesbrief eines Palliativarztes zu teilen.

Hospice advocates called to action to avert MA/Hospice “carve-in”

ehospice USA

Hospice Action Network is leading efforts to get all hospice advocates to voice concerns about the threat to hospice via the Senate Finance Committee suggestion to “carve hospice into Medicare Advantage”.

Photography exhibition showcasing the lives of children with cancer

ehospice International Children’s edition

Westport News recently reported on a beautiful photography exhibition showing a few of the stories and faces behind childhood cancer.

Irish Cancer Society reverses decision to cut financial support for families of children with cancer

ehospice Ireland

This fund for children will now be maintained and financial support for families of children with cancer will now continue.

Kitui officially launches Palliative Care Unit

ehospice Kenya

The 17th December 2015 could have been just a normal dragging Thursday for the entire world but not for the little known Kitui County. The usual heat experienced in the area not at its best thanks to the rainy season. But even then, the mood at the newly built Kitui Palliative Care Unit is all bright and cheerful because it is a new day, new beginning.

What happens to homeless people when they are dying?

ehospice UK

Wendy Webb, clinical nurse specialist at St Richard’s Hospice, reflects on how she ended up working in palliative care and why she chose to focus on palliative care for homeless people for her Masters dissertation.

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