One way America handles end-of-life care better than Canada
US – Vox
End-of-life care in the United States doesn’t always work in the best interests of the patient — but it turns out that’s not a uniquely American problem at all.
Families give insights into end-of-life choices
Families of terminally ill cancer patients say end-of-life care is better when the patient is at home or in hospice care, not in the hospital intensive care unit, a new study finds.
Physicians receive less aggressive end-of-life care, less likely to die in a hospital
US – Medical Express
Two studies in the January 19 issue of JAMA compare the intensity of end-of-life treatment and the likelihood of dying in a hospital between physicians and the general population.
Have the Talk: Why a New Year’s Resolution for End of Life Plans Is Critical
US – Huffington Post
With the start of 2016, millions resolve to make their lives better in some way and health resolutions are popular. Yet, advance care decisions and discussions about end of life plans do not make the top 10 list.
Palliative Care Is Cost Effectiveness for Cancer Patients, and Increases With Comorbidities
US – Oncology Nurse Advisor
Palliative care within 2 days of admission lowered costs by 22% to 33% for patients with cancer and comorbid conditions. In addition, early palliative care reduced direct hospital costs more for patients with a higher number of coexisting conditions.
Does cancer research focus on areas of importance to patients?
The majority of research ideas are proposed by clinicians or scientists and little is currently known about which areas of research patients feel are important.
EAPC blog
Researchers at the Cicely Saunders Institute at King’s College London outline recently published decision support and accompanied guidance on implementing the Palliative care Outcome Scale and related Patient Reported Outcome Measures in clinical care.
Demonstrating the impact of palliative and end of life care research
ehospice UK
Professor Bill Noble, executive medical director at Marie Curie, reflects on how the charity has increased its research funding to support the evidence base for palliative and end of life care.
Groundbreaking for Lyon Palliative Care and Hospice Center
ehospice USA
Nearly 200 people gather on the Avow campus as the organization kicks off construction of its new palliative care facility.
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