The pain problem in India – more recognition outside palliative care circles.
Pallium India
“India has yet to enhance its large population’s chances of a pain-free or pain-controlled life when they have a severe, pain-inflicting illness, and enable those with terminal illnesses to pass away in a pain-controlled, dignified manner,” so says Sunita Bandewar, an independent researcher in global health, bioethics and programme evaluation.
Dr Michael Minton reports on IAPCON 2015, Hyderabad
Pallium India
Most of the palliative care pioneers of the 1990s in India have been fortunate to be taught by Dr Michael Minton, when he was a member of the faculty of WHO Collaborating Centre for Palliative Care at Sir Michael Sobell House, Oxford. He continues to visit India and mentor us. Please see his brief report on the recent annual conference of IAPC at Hyderabad.
Giving quality of life to patients needing care
The Philippine Star
The Philippines’ premier health institution Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed) promotes palliative care, a holistic approach to healthcare that looks after the psychological, emotional, mental, spiritual, and even the economic well-being of patients to help prevent and relieve suffering.
Discontinuing statins for patients with life limiting illness
US – Medical Xpress
Discontinuing statin use in patients with late-stage cancer and other terminal illnesses may help improve patients’ quality of life without causing other adverse health effects, according to a new study by led by researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and Duke University and funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).
End of life talks with elderly trauma patients lacking, study shows
General Surgery News
A trauma surgeon and palliative medicine physician is asking her peers to speak with their older trauma patients about end of life care.
Reimburse doctors for helping patients plan end of life care, experts say
Reuters Health
Physician incentives are needed to improve end of life care in the US, health experts said Friday at an Institute of Medicine (IOM) forum.
End of life planning essential for LGBT seniors
Canada – Daily Xtra
New research shared at The 519 says LGBT seniors concerned most about voice, support.
New website launch to help young people cope with bereavement
ehospice UK
Cruse Bereavement Care has launched a new website where young people aged 11-18 can find help and support following a bereavement.
Future of health care could be Hospital @ Home
ehospice Canada
The future of healthcare could be Hospital @ Home if indicators of success in a pilot project of the Prince Edward County Family Health Team continue.
Insufficient medicines for pain: pain unit in Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique
ehospice Africa
Dr Emilia Pinto Miquidade, Director of the Pain Unit of Maputo Central Hospital shares the pain she endures everyday due to the lack of pain relief medications for patients.
They Go to Die: documentary on TB and HIV among South Africa’s gold mine workers
ehospice Africa
They Go to Die is an award-winning documentary of four former migrant gold mineworkers in South Africa and Swaziland who have contracted drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) and HIV while working at the gold mine.
ehospice International children’s
A workshop held at the recent 34th Conference on Priorities in Perinatal Care in South Africa looked at the way forward for the provision of neonatal and perinatal guidance specific to South Africa.
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