World hospice and palliative care news roundup – 9 April 2015

Categories: In The Media.

Early initiation of palliative care offers benefits to patients, family caregivers

US – Healio

Early initiation of palliative care for patients with advanced cancer may not only improve their survival, but also reduce the depression and stress burden of family caregivers, according to results of two analyses of the ENABLE III trial.

Only half of clinicians feel patients’ end of life needs are met

UK – OnMedica

Only around half of clinicians feel that patients with a terminal illness have their needs met adequately, according to a survey published today.

Patient opinions heard

UK – Scottish Government

Extra funding will allow people to share their experiences of the NHS online and make an important contribution to improving services, Scottish Health Secretary Shona Robison announced today.

Bill Thomas’ 2015 Age of Disruption Tour

ehospice USA

What if nearly everything we think we know about aging is wrong? Dr Bill Thomas’ Age of Disruption 2015 Tour is coming to 30 cities across the U.S. and will address key understandings of aging issues in a unique mixed-media performance.

Wear your seatbelt. Put on a bike helmet. Make your advance care plan.

ehospice Canada

Most of us instinctively put on our seatbelts when we get into a car. And we know it’s a good idea to put on a helmet before getting on a bike. So why haven’t the majority of Canadians also taken the precaution of planning for their future health care?

Marie Curie: “We must change the conversation about terminal illness”

ehospice UK

Marie Curie has launched a new campaign, calling for a national conversation about what sort of care and support people with a terminal illness, and their families, should get now and in the future.

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