World media roundup – 1 May 2014

Categories: In The Media.

The silent treatment

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care blog

Dr David Jeffrey explores how great playwrights like Shakespeare and Pinter can help clinicians to learn more about empathy and compassion.

To the dying, spiritual caregivers can be godsend

The Boston Globe

They do not prescribe medication, plump up pillows, or serve soothing broths, but for hospice patients and their families spiritual caregivers often ease the pain that hurts the most.

The end of life care strategy that welcomes death

Huffington Post Live

Reverends Robert Chodo Campbell and Dr Koshin Paley Ellison discuss the Buddhist approach to death, contemplative care and why death should not be something we dread.

Hospice centres provide patients, families with home away from home

Healthcare Design

With new standalone facilities no longer restricted by design guidelines for acute care spaces, hospice design has evolved into a mix of hospitality and residential styles with plenty of room and amenities for both patients and their families.

Medicare’s rules meant to help end hospices being paid for drugs not for terminal illnesses

US- Washington Post

Changes to Medicare in America may make it more difficult for dying patients to get some medications, senior advocates and hospice providers say.

Is treating a sick child always the best course?

Los Angeles Times – op ed

With very sick children, sometimes comfort should trump treatment.

Barriers to pain management in India

Pallium India

What would a nurse do if a patient is in pain in a cancer hospital in India?

Quality of life: we say it, but do we mean it?

Kevin MD

Blog about putting quality of life first, by an emergency physician.

New integrated version of Palliative care Outcome Scale launched

ehospice UK

IPOS – a new palliative care measure – is now available to download for use from the POS website along with instructions and guidance.

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