Photos: Ministering to the terminally ill
US- Aljazeera America
A day in the life of Reverend Mary Chang, hospice chaplain to the largest hospice and palliative care program in the New York area.
US- PR Newswire
The people at The Gift Initiative say there is no better gift to give the people you love – or yourself – than filling out an advance directive form and having the conversation with those you love about your end of life care preferences.
US- New York
Feature on how the high cost of new cancer drugs are prompting some doctors to refuse to use them.
Hospice and Palliative Medicine SmartBrief
The weekly newsletter from the American Association of Hospice and Palliative Medicine highlights news from the past week aimed at physicians caring for the seriously ill.
First CHPCA Pediatric Palliative Care Symposium for Canada
ehospice international children’s edition
Wednesday saw the opening of the very first Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association’s (CHPCA) Pediatric Symposium at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, Canada.
Palliative care sector converges on NSW Parliament
ehospice Australia
Where to next? This was the recurring question discussed at the first Palliative Care NSW Forum held at NSW Parliament House on Wednesday 30 October.
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