World media roundup – 10 February 2014

Categories: In The Media.

‘Go in peace’ – a new documentary about caring for veterans at the end of life

US- Examiner

‘Go in peace’ is a film about what happens when veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – or “Post-Terror Soul Distress” – face their own mortality through serious illness. 

Palliative care unavailable for majority of patients

The East African

Only one in 10 people globally who need medical care to relieve the pain, symptoms and stress of serious illness is currently receiving it.

‘Aid in dying’ movement takes hold in some states

The New York Times

Helping the terminally ill end their lives, condemned for decades as immoral, is gaining traction.

Rabbi joins medical team to study palliative care in Japan

The Canadian Jewish News

It was a “privilege beyond privilege” to exchange knowledge about palliative care with Japanese specialists while on a recent trip to that country, says Rabbi Rena Arshinoff.

New law protects jobs of those who care for dying relatives

Canada- St Alberta Gazette

Workers are now able to take up to eight weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to care for a dying family member or a close, family-like friend, the Alberta government has announced.

After a cancer diagnosis: Giving a patient time


“Giving a patient time” can be self-fulfilling, so doctors must be careful. On the other hand, refusing to lay out the realistic outcome of other patients is denying the patient of information they often want to know.

Legacy videos by the terminally ill: What does the future hold?

Health Business blog

Many organisations have been set up to enable terminally ill patients to make videos messages their children.

A visit to Jawhar, India, where children’s palliative care is making a difference

ehospice International Children’s edition

A group of delegates for the ICPCN Conference, taking place in Mumbai, were given a rare opportunity to visit a hospital in Jawhar, 128 km north of Mumbai, and find out more about the impact that children’s palliative care is having on its patients.

Canadians overwhelmingly endorse palliative care

ehospice Canada

Canadians across the country are almost unanimous with 96% of Canadians supporting palliative care in a recent survey. 

Thinking outside the box: Colour coding coffins

ehospice Australia

Personalised cardboard coffins are transforming the traditional way we think about funerals.

St Joseph’s Hospice launches groundbreaking website for patients

ehospice UK

St Joseph’s Hospice in East London has launched a new website created by and for people with a life-limiting diagnosis.

Insight into those providing spiritual care

ehopice USA

With assistance from the NHPCO, the National Council of Hospice and Palliative Professional’s Spiritual Caregivers Section conducted a survey of their peers to shed better light on this discipline — who is providing spiritual care, the interventions being used, and much more.

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