Palliative care evolves: dispelling the myths
Irish Medical Times
As well as increasing our impact on the overall oncological disease burden, palliative care in Ireland and across the globe has been expanding its horizons into palliation of non-malignant disease, writes Dr Bernadette Brady.
Leading the way in European palliative care: a student’s view
Niamh Finucane, Senior Social Worker, St Francis Hospice, Dublin, Ireland, is among the first cohort of students on an innovative palliative care leadership course. She explains what the course means to her.
First-ever design study calls for the next generation hospice to be hospitable, community-friendly and life-affirming
Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network
Commissioned by the Lien Foundation and ACM Foundation, the ‘Hospitable Hospice’ handbook was developed by healthcare design consultancy, fuelfor, to look into the inpatient hospice experience.
Pain physicians say insurance coverage often falls short
US- National Pain Report
One of the USA’s largest medical organisations representing pain physicians is calling for significant changes in the way insurance companies provide coverage for pain treatment.
It’s here! 2014 AAHPM/HPNA Annual Assembly in San Diego
The AAHPM/HPNA Annual Assembly is taking place in San Diego and Christian Sinclair from Pallimed is there.
Rare care: latest EMS video sheds light on tough topic
US- Daily Progress
A new training video focuses on how emergency medical services can aid in the treatment of palliative care and hospice patients.
Redesigning how we think about hospice architecture: the business side of palliative care
ehospice Australia
Albany Community Hospice is currently in the process of constructing its new facility, but how do you go about designing a hospice from scratch? ehospice Australia spoke to Ian Howard from H+H Architects to discover what goes into designing a hospice from its initial concept.
Ugandan HIV/AIDS programme suffers financial cuts after US suspends funding over anti-homosexuality law
ehospice Africa
The Ugandan paper, The Daily Monitor, has reported that 87 people have lost their jobs in the Ugandan Ministry of Health after the US suspended a financing agreement which funded their positions.
South Africa battles drug-resistant TB
ehospice South Africa
Despite an increase in diagnosis times, South Africa is facing a growing drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) burden as nationally there remains a large gap between the number of patients diagnosed with multidrug-resistant TB and those who start treatment.
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