World Media Roundup – 15 December 2014

Categories: In The Media.

Palliative care in Africa

This special issue focusing on palliative care in Africa includes five original articles from on-the-ground experts, and an editorial by Professor Anne Merriman, highlight the multiple angles of this complex topic.

Our fear of opioids leaves the world in pain

Pacific Standard
Millions of people worldwide endure traumatic injuries or deaths from cancer, AIDS, and, now, Ebola without access to the medication that could relieve their suffering. The international drug control system is to blame.

Good Friday Committee to advance concerns on cross border palliative care to Ministers

Ireland – Office of the Houses of the Oireachtas
The Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement has agreed to write to the Minister for Health and the Minister for Children to ensure the current levels cooperation in cross-border hospice and palliative can be sustained and further enhanced.

Poll finds many do not want to submit to end of life care

Taiwan – Taipei Times
Nearly one out of three people who passed away in hospital last year was kept alive by a ventilator for a certain period of time, an approach that more than 85% of the respondents to a recent survey conducted by the Taiwan Healthcare Reform Foundation said they would not want for themselves.

Role of nursing care in lives of chronically ill patients

Pakistan – Daily Times
There is currently a major gap in the Pakistani healthcare system for patients whose illnesses no longer respond to cure oriented treatments.

Palliative care: improving the quality of life

The Hindu
Article about Dr Suresh Kumar and palliative care in India.

Hospice Care now offered at Faith Hospital

The Cayman Reporter
The Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA) and Cayman HospiceCare (CHC) have partnered to provide palliative care services in the Sister Islands.

French parliament readies new end of life legislation

French parliament will debate from January a draft law that would move a step closer to euthanasia by allowing a right to “deep and ongoing sedation” until death for terminally ill patients who request it, President Francois Hollande said.

New Zealand Labour Party kills right to die bill

International Business Times
New Zealand’s Labour party has dropped a bill that would have given terminally ill patients the right to die on their own terms. 

Code Comfort: a Code Blue alternative for patients with DNRs

Harvard Business Review blog
“Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) does not mean “Do Not Treat,” but dying patients who have chosen a DNR order often feel abandoned, whether they are at home or in the hospital.

Health partners unite to build stronger systems for health in Ebola-affected countries

Health Canal
Last week, Ministers of Health and Finance of Ebola-affected countries, international organizations and development partners assembled for a high-level meeting on how to strengthen systems of health in Ebola-affected countries.

Thinking about the words we use in death and dying

ehospice UK
A new film launched by The National Council for Palliative Care and the Social Care Institute for Excellence addresses poor communication in care for people who are dying.

We’re having a baby – animated film offering hope to parents of a life limited baby

ehospice International children’s edition
A new animated short film produced by Hurricane Media for the UK charity Together for Short Lives aims to assist parents who are faced with the devastating news that their baby has a life-limiting condition.

Marilyn’s remarkable journey

ehospice USA
In 2011, Thomas received news that would change his life forever. His mother, Marilyn, had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Marilyn’s story demonstrates the true power of family and how any one of us can defy overwhelming odds.

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