World Media Roundup – 16 October 2014

Categories: In The Media.

In front of the next step in palliative care in Poland


Dr Tomasz Gradalski, Medical Director of St Lazarus Hospice in Kraków, Poland, on some of the challenges that confront palliative care in Poland today.

With EU support, Serbia develops palliative care model

The Delgation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia

Report on the joint project of European Union and Ministry of Health of Serbia to develop palliative care in the country.

Parental status influenced cancer care decisions


Patients with advanced cancer who were parents often based their decisions about aggressive cancer treatment and hospice care on the fact they had dependent children, according to results of a pilot study.

Hospice expansion decreases hospital readmissions among all nursing home residents


Increasing hospice services can reduce hospital admissions among all residents of a nursing home, including those not enrolled in hospice, according to findings recently published in JAMDA.

CMA to appear before Supreme Court in end of life case

Canadian Medical Association (CMA)

On Wednesday the Canadian Medical Association appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada, as the court considers whether the existing ban on assisted death is unconstitutional.

Atul Gawande on Making Life Meaningful, All the Way to the End

New York Magazine

Interview with Atul Gawande – surgeon, professor, New Yorker staff writer, and author of a new book on ageing, death and end of life care.

Ebola crisis: WHO says major outbreak in West ‘unlikely’

BBC News

A major outbreak of Ebola in the US and elsewhere in the West is unlikely given the strong health systems, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

Medical charity says has reached limit in fight against Ebola


Medecins Sans Frontieres said it was reaching its limit and urgently needed other organisations to step up the efforts against Ebola.

British Ebola survivor William Pooley returning to West Africa to help fight virus

The Telegraph

William Pooley, who caught Ebola while working as a volunteer nurse in West Africa, says he is heading back to help fight the virus despite the fears of his family and friends.

Ebola in Sierra Leone: ‘we feel like a pariah nation’

The Guardian

Sluggish courtrooms, swamped clinics and parents forgoing food are becoming the norm as Ebola opens cracks in Sierra Leonean society.

Publication of a handbook for children’s palliative care in Serbia

ehospice International children’s edition

This week saw the publication of the first handbook on children’s palliative care to be published in Serbian.

The importance of caring for carers

ehospice Australia

Palliative Care Australia’s National Standards Assessment Program will soon publish an evaluation report on its year-long project aimed at improving the assessment, planning and delivery of support to meet the needs of palliative care patients’ carers.

“Dying in America” – IOM webinar on new report

ehospice USA

The Institute of Medicine will offer a free webinar on 10 November regarding findings of its new report “Dying in America.”

Patient story: Sandra’s inspiring journey

ehospice South Africa

My sister in law hated red. She hated it in all its forms. Red hair, red curtains, red towels, red flowers. Didn’t matter what it was, if it was red….she didn’t like it.

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