Australian palliative care better than the US
Australia – Hospital & AgedCare
The palliative care movement in Australia is about a decade more advanced than the United States sector, a US palliative care pioneer told the Palliative Care Victoria last week.
Srimatha Cancer Care plans world-class hospice
India – The Hindu
Srimatha Cancer Care, a charitable organisation in Indira Nagar, is ready for expansion.
2014 Nurse of the Year nominees
US – National Association for Home Care & Hospice
The National Association for Home Care & Hospice has announced the finalists for its Home Care & Hospice Nurse of the Year Award.
Nursing homes rank as worst setting for end of life care
US – Senior Housing News
Reported care experiences are typically worse in the nursing home setting, according to the latest results of a survey by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Announcing the new magazine dedicated to advancing the integration of spiritual care in health care
US – HealthCare Chaplaincy Network
HealthCare Chaplaincy Network has launched a new magazine, Caring for the Human Spirit, and is inviting professionals to submit articles.
After death, don’t mourn, digitize with sites like
Newsweek, a startup launched early this year, promises to create a “virtual you” that will interact with your descendants long after you’re dead.
The new death etiquette: short, shared, shallow
The Independent – comment
Outpourings of ‘grief’ on Twitter are easy to mock, but maybe they’re better than saying nothing at all?
Death us do part: how the prospect of dying is fuelling silver splitter divorces
UK – The Telegraph
Divorce lawyers say they have seen a growing number of splits involving couples unable to agree about plans for their own death.
French advocate for euthanasia sought a ‘dignified death’ in Switzerland
RFI – Fance
Nicole Boucheton, who worked for the pro-euthanasia organisation Association for the Right to Die with Dignity, moved to Switzerland in order to “to die in dignity.”
When a friend asks you to help her die
Us – Washington Post – opinion
Jerald Winakur reflects on being asked by a friend to help them die.
At life’s end, we should respect people’s choices
Australia – The Age – comment
Article by Dr Rodney Syme, voluntary euthanasia campaigner.
Lessons learnt from first ever African Pain Policy Fellowship workshop
ehospice africa
Dr Christian Ntizimira from Rwanda writes for ehospice about his experiences as part of the new African Pain Policy Fellowship programme.
Social Butterfly – Social Conscience? : HPCA Launches Social Butterfly Tattoo
ehospice South Africa
On the 12 August 2014, the Hospice Palliative Care Association (HPCA) launched its very first social butterfly tattoo campaign.
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