World media roundup – 23 October 2013

Categories: In The Media.

Huge progress for children’s palliative care in Norway: What next?


‘Yes to palliative units and care for children’, a non-profit organisation in Norway, has done important advocacy work to promote children’s palliative care during the past four years. And finally the hard work seems to have made a huge difference.

No room for the dying?

Times of India

When it comes to treating the ailing and the dying, there appears to be little space in the heart of Hyderabad.

Further praise for online palliative care resource

Australian Ageing Agenda

An online training resource for carers and health professionals providing palliative care in the community has won its second award in the four months since it was launched.

Call for medical cards for very sick children

Irish Times

Medical cards should be given to terminally ill children ahead of the government’s plan to expand eligibility to all under-5s, according to the head of the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation.

Rates of lung disease in Europe: an uncomfortable equilibrium

Europe- The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

The burden of lung disease in Europe is as great today as it was at the start of the millennium, and it looks unlikely to improve over the coming decade.

Minn. high court to decide end of life case

US- Crookston Times

The Minnesota Supreme Court will decide whether guardians have the legal authority to take their wards off life support.

Dying for company: At ‘Death Cafes’ folks talk comfortably about end of life issues

US- Washington Post

It can be tough to get a conversation going if you want to talk about the late stages of dementia, your last will and testament or the recent passing of your mother.

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