Why are Latinos not using Hospice Services?
As the Hispanic population grows in the United States, experts ask why this group is not using hospice services as much as some others. The author reminds readers of the diversity within Hispanic populations in the US, and mentions the importance of cultural sensitivity by service providers.
Kenya: Nyeri Hospice Raises Three Million for Cancer Patients
Kenya- Allafrica.com
Nyeri Hospice organised a 10km walk last Saturday. The walk aimed to raise Sh3 million for cancer patients. More than 30 primary and secondary schools, individual walkers and companies participated.
Developing new ways to ease the dying process
Australia- SBS.com
Researchers in Australia and other parts of the world are coming up with some novel ways to ease the process of dying for individuals and those who love them. From supporting traditional healers in Aboriginal communities to being aware of cultural and language differences among various immigrant groups, Palliative Care Australia is working to improve access to quality end of life care.
How To Manage End Of Life Care In Heart Failure
US- Digital Journal
The 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) will feature a How-To Session entitled “Managing End-of-Life Care in Heart Failure,” a one hour interactive conference focused on this specific group of heart failure patients.
‘Palliative care only provided to 10% of patients who need it’
Jordan- The Jordan Times
Mohammad Bushnaq, president of the Jordanian Palliative Care and Pain Management Society, said that palliative care in Jordan is only provided to 10 per cent of those who need it.
‘Dramatic’ drop in global HIV infections
International- BBC News
The number of HIV infections and Aids-related deaths has fallen dramatically, according to a UN report.
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