Here are the top 37 things dying people say they regret. Learn from it before it’s too late.
A list of the 37 things you must not do or else you will definitely regret them at the end of your life.
UN: WHO boosts hope on pain relief, palliative care
Human Rights Watch
“The WHO resolution on palliative care is a real breakthrough,” said Diederik Lohman, senior health researcher at Human Rights Watch.
Docs on mission to ease city’s pain
The Times of India
A group of NRI and Bengal-based doctors, along with some NGOs, have plans to boost local palliative care facilities.
Home-based care way forward for elderly: Shanghai mayor
Shanghai is to promote home-based care for seniors to tackle the problem of the city’s ageing population and the shortage of resources for the elderly, Shanghai Mayor Yang Xiong told the annual session of the Shanghai People’s Congress.
Many hospitalized older people need decision help
US – Reuters Health
When the time comes for making critical medical decisions while in the hospital, a new study says older people often rely on family members or other surrogates to make those calls.
Hospice palliative care champion Russell Williams awarded Excellence in Advocacy Award
Canada- Yahoo News
The Quality End of Life Care Coalition of Canada has awarded their second annual Award of Excellence in Advocacy to Russell Williams, President of Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies.
New, national specialist palliative care and advance care planning advisory services are in development
Australia- Palliative Care WA
From mid-2014, a new project will provide a dedicated national hotline that aged care service providers and GPs can call for immediate access – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – to receive specialist palliative care advice and information about advance care planning.
Nurse researcher joins uni observatory leadership
UK- Lancaster Guardian
Dr Catherine Walshe will join Prof Sheila Payne as Co-Director of the International Observatory on End of Life Care.
Blaming care pathway ‘like blaming Highway Code’
UK- BBC News
Dr Claud Regnard, a consultant in palliative care medicine, suggests the media, government and Neuberger panel were wrong to blame the Liverpool Care Pathway and questions whether the ban was justified and will benefit patients.
Stephen Wealthhall: Let’s talk openly about death
New Zealand Herald
When the end is near, the focus should be on the good things in life, writes terminally ill Stephen Wealthall.
Moving out of our comfort zone – learning to live with uncertainty
Michael Tapley, Medical Director at Willow Wood Hospice in the UK, explains the background to the article ‘Dementia at the end of life: what can hospices do?’, published in the European Journal of Palliative Care.
When they don’t know they are ill
The New Old Age blog
This little-known yet common consequence of this kind of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders is called anosognosia, and it leaves people unaware that they are compromised by illness.
The role of chemotherapy in palliative care
“By viewing chemotherapy as a potential comfort measure, it would be easier to makes decisions during those final battles,” writes James C. Salwitz.
Health in the Arab world: a view from within
A number of articles in issue 9914 look at the state of health in the Arab world.
Providing palliative care in post-genocide Rwanda
ehospice Africa
On International Holocaust Memorial Day, Dr Christian Ntizimira and Magnus Gasana write for ehospice about the challenges to providing palliative care in post-genocide Rwanda.
Ministry of Health issues circular to District Hospitals to establish palliative care centers
ehospice Kenya
The Ministry of Health has issued a circular to district hospitals to set up palliative care units as the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) adopts a resolution on palliative care.
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