World Media Roundup – 29 September 2014

Categories: In The Media.

New attitudes and policies needed to change the Australian way of death

Australia – Grattan Institute

70% of Australians want to die at home, yet only 14% do so, according to a new report showing that dying in Australia is more institutionalised than in most countries in the world.

End of life care training for volunteers

Pallium India

Pallium India hosted 46 volunteers from various parts of Kerala for a three-day ‘training the trainers’ session earlier this month.

Monitoring the quality of palliative care using quality indicators


Kathleen Leemans and Joachim Cohen from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University, Belgium, on the development and use of quality indicators.

Center to Advance Palliative Care Expands its public awareness efforts

US – The Palliative Pulse

As part of its ongoing educational efforts to increase the public’s understanding of palliative care, CAPC has released a video animation that defines and explains what palliative care is and how it supports people facing serious illness.

What drive-thru funerals say about death in America

US – The Week

In Saginaw, Michigan, a funeral home has started offering drive-thru viewing services, allowing mourners to pull up, view the dead for three minutes exactly, and then pull away.

Davison to promote assisted dying law 

South Africa – iol news

Sean Davison, the University of the Western Cape professor who helped his mother to end her life, says he sees no reason police would want to investigate him after he revealed this week he had assisted a friend to die.

Euthanasia is a rational option for prisoners facing the torture of life in jail

Australia – The Guardian

“Life in prison with no parole is tantamount to torture, and a civilised Australia shouldn’t support it. This is why we should follow Belgium’s lead, and help prisoners to die,” writes Philip Nitschke.

Reclaiming what ‘dying with dignity’ means

The Center for Bioethics and Culture

“Over the years, euthanasia enthusiasts have distorted the phrase ‘dying with dignity’, so let’s never miss an opportunity to set to record straight and reclaim what that actually should look like in practice.”

A palliative care dilemma on the first day of the job

Kevin MD

A doctor highlights the difficulties in determining what is best for the patient at the end of life.

Where is compassionate end of life care for the elderly patient?

Kevin MD

A sad story which highlights the need to appoint a formal healthcare proxy or surrogate decision-maker, in addition to making a living will.

HPCA : Social Butterfly TV Ad

ehospice South Africa

The Social Butterfly campaign has been designed to elevate awareness of hospice and palliative care nationally by creating a butterfly as an easily recognisable symbol for the Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA).

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