World Media Roundup – 30 January 2015

Categories: Care.

Ban on Dextropropoxyphene is unjustifiable

Pallium India

Dr Savita Butola and Dr M. R. Rajagopal, in their article, ‘Ban on Dextropropoxyphene is unjustifiable’, published in the Indian Journal of Palliative Care, argue why the ban should be withdrawn.

Better end of life care for Australians from all walks of life

Australia – Health Canal

Aged care facilities across Australia will receive Federal Government funding to form collaborative links with palliative services to cater for our ageing and diverse population.

PhD student wins the Graduate School Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis

UK – Cicely Saunders International

Kiera Lowther, a PhD student at the Cicely Saunders Institute, Kings College London, has received the Graduate School Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis for her work on HIV care in Africa. 

The Irish Hospice Foundation calls for further investment in dementia care

Ireland – Irish Hospice Foundation

The Irish Hospice Foundation on Thursday, 29 January, called for further investment in dementia care in Ireland following the release of a new survey which highlights huge gaps in dementia services.

Mexico escalating the fight against breast cancer

Mexico – Medical XPress

Just a decade ago, half of all Mexicans – 52 million people – had no health insurance. As many as 4 million families a year faced financial ruin because of catastrophic illnesses like breast cancer. Today, those same families have access to treatment because of Seguro Popular.

Survey identifies dementia research priorities

ehospice Australia

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) says that finding ways of prevention, improving diagnosis and better care are the top priorities for dementia research.

Support groups: getting it right for secondary cancer patients

ehospice UK

Helen, who has a terminal diagnosis, writes about the need to get right support groups for secondary cancer patients, and why these groups must to be led by professionals with appropriate experience.

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