“This is modern-day euthanasia, though no-one dares say so out loud”
Finland- Yle
Viewer responses to an interview with a hospice director on Yle’s morning show suggest that getting good-quality care for the terminally ill in Finland is tantamount to a postcode lottery.
Arts used for end of life education at hospital
Singapore- Channel News Asia
“Both Sides, Now” is an arts experience at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital designed to create awareness, reflection and provoke end of life conversations among healthcare professionals, caregivers and the public.
Irish Hospice head tells New Yorkers Ireland can pioneer end of life care
Irish Central
Ireland is creating a model for end of life care which could be introduced around the world, said a senior official in the Irish Hospice Foundation.
Australia squanders resources on unwarranted end of life care
Australia- Medical Daily
Some Australian doctors say the nation’s medical system should empower doctors and their patients to avoid “conveyor belt” emergency care deemed “reactive, unwanted, and unnecessary.”
Down under palliative care specialists reject euthanasia
Australia/New Zealand- BioEdge
The Australia and New Zealand Society for Palliative Medicine has released a new position statement on euthanasia and assisted suicide, arguing that they are not a solution to patient suffering, and that legalising the procedures would take attention away from the real issue – a lack of access to palliative care.
Jax medical professionals reach out on trip to South Africa
US/South Africa- WJCT
A group of local ambassadors from Jacksonville’s Haven Hospital recently returned from a trip to South Africa as part of an initiative to deepen the relationships between US hospices and those in developing countries.
Batkid: a heartwarming, very 2013 story
US- The Atlantic
With the help of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and hundreds of volunteers, Miles Scott was Batkid for a day.
Second thoughts about how to die
“While recently confronted with a cancer scare and several months of inconclusive diagnostics, I found myself thinking about how I want to die.”
An estimated one million pre-term babies die each year
ehospice International children’s edition
Busi Nkosi of the ICPCN takes a closer look at the need for palliative care for those pre-term babies and their families who need palliative care.
Looking back at World Hospice and Palliative Care Day in Rwanda
ehospice Africa
Diane Mukasahaha looks back at the celebrations for World Hospice and Palliative Care Day in Rwanda.
Developing relationships with traditional healers contributes towards expansion of palliative care in Kwazulu-Natal
ehospice South Africa
Since late 2012 HPCA (Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa) and Msunduzi Hospice have been working with a small team of Traditional Healers within the uMgungundlovu District of KwaZulu-Natal.
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