Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance raises over £39,000 in Sierra Leone Ebola appeal

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David Praill, WHPCA Chair thanked those who supported the appeal, saying: “these funds helped The Shepherd’s Hospice through a time of great fear and distress.”

The funds raised enabled Gabriel Madiye, executive director of The Shepherd’s Hospice, and his team to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of the community.

They converted unused community buildings into three Community Ebola Centres; providing a nervous population with a local centre to approach for their health concerns.

They trained almost 200 health workers and volunteers who worked tirelessly to reach a total of 3600 people affected by Ebola.

They provided vital counselling, care and support and worked with community leaders to change behaviour which can spread the virus, such as washing dead bodies and keeping sick people at home. The burial team supported almost 100 safe burials, limiting the spread of the virus.

Although the epidemic is on the decline, some cases remain. These are typically among members of the community who do not usually access health care services. As part of their ongoing commitment, a team from The Shepherd’s Hospice are now working in the community; actively seeking people who are unwell and supporting them to access treatment.
Mr Madiye expressed his thanks, saying that he was “profoundly grateful” for the support from the international community. He said: “It was a huge burden to carry, but now thankfully Ebola is nearly gone. We are proud that we stood to confront Ebola and supported our community. We now look forward to continuing our palliative care work.”

Read more about the work of the WHPCA on their website or contact Kate North, international programmes manager, to find out more about the appeal and the continuing work of The Shepherd’s Hospice.

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