Breaking the Stigma of Hospice: Generation X & Y

Categories: People & Places.

Reu-Anne started her internship at Grahamstown Hospice in February 2016. After completing her graphic design course, she decided to study further at UNISA where she registered for a communications course.

Why did you decide to do your internship at Grahamstown Hospice?

My grandmother, 93 years old was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. During hospice intervention and them taking care of her, I saw the work they did and this really inspired me. At first I thought that hospice only cared for old people but my perception soon changed when I started to learn more about hospice and the care they provide to people irrespective of age, gender and race. It was then that I decided to give back and try to change the perception of hospice especially with young people.

As an intern, what do you do at Grahamstown Hospice?

One of my main objectives is to try and source funding. As you might know, many hospices are struggling financially to an extent that many of them eventually close down. They do so much amazing work, especially in the community and it is really sad that most of them don’t receive sufficient funding to continue their work. Apart from that, raising awareness of Grahamstown Hospice through our website and social media platforms is very important as well. This allows people to engage and see the work of hospice interventions. It is also a platform to address the needs of hospice.

Do you think generation x and y needs to be educated about hospice?

Definitely! I think the earlier the better especially young people pursuing careers. There is so much stigma attached to hospice and the sooner we break that, the better. My plan is to incorporate this message in schools and universities by showcasing an educational video to explain what hospice does and how it benefits people. I am positive that the stigma will soon start breaking allowing young people to be the ambassadors of hospice as they have so much influence, especially through media and digital platforms. I am really looking forward to this.

What do you enjoy doing outside working hours?

Fitness is very important to me. I enjoy yoga, running and I am part of boot camp to help me achieve my goals.

Find out more about Grahamstown here. 


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