
Categories: Community Engagement.

As the year comes to an end and we draw closer to a time of excitement and celebration– Christmas & New Year – it is important to realise that while we may be happy, excited and blessed, there are many out there who are not.

Many people do not experience love, support and compassion. This is a sad truth, but also a reality of some people’s lives during this time of the year.

HPCA, have been hard at work coming up with ideas to raise awareness of this issue. We realised that there is no better way than to get you, our ehospice readers, involved!

We respectfully ask you to share your heartfelt stories of compassion. This could relate either to hospice and palliative care, or to another experience of compassion, be it giving or receiving. Where you either experienced a form of compassion or gave compassion, bringing a smile to someone’s face.

The aim is to gather as many stories as possible to generate positive energy around compassion during this time of the year and beyond! J

How it works

·         During the month of November, we are asking our readers, yes – that is you – to send us your stories of compassion. (Email: shaun@hpca.co.za with the subject line:  #LiveCompassion)

·         The story that gets the most likes and shares on our Facebook page (Hospice Palliative Care Assn.) stands a chance to win a tablet. The best stories will be featured on the international edition of ehospice!


Suggested framework for articles

·         Who was involved in your story of compassion?

·         When and where did it occur?

·         How was compassion shown by yourself or another?

·         How did you feel as a result?

The above is just a basic framework for the article, you can set your own one, as long it flows and makes sense.


  1. Please be honest about your compassion story. 
  1. Half a page to a full page article is acceptable for story length.  
  1. The cut-off date for submitting your story is 25 November 2015. The final winner of the competition will be announced on 1 December 2015.


Let’s show the world what compassion is about!


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