Marge Knight: ” What Hospice Means to Me.”

Categories: Care.

When your first child or any child for that matter is born, there is great rejoicing at the miracle with which you have been blessed.

The creation, with the help from the Lord is something indescribable and the celebration at the safe delivery of your little miracle will always be remembered with great pride and joy, however we must always remember, right from the start, that this beautiful child is just a loan. Many may disagree with this theory but:-

God knew in His great wisdom

That He couldn’t be everywhere

So He put His little children

In a loving mother’s care

My son was diagnosed with Multiple Organ Failure in 2013 at the age of 42. This news was devastating not only for him but to all the family as well. As a mother I couldn’t believe that I was experiencing this awful reality. He worked far from home and was in Ghana, in hospital, where he remained for approximately 7 weeks prior to returning to South Africa under medical care. He was immediately placed into intensive care.

It is amazing how God prepares us for these dire situations in our lives. Ultimately, when it was realized that Hunter was not going to recuperate from this illness I was advised to contact the Hospice East Rand. It was decided, as there was a bed available, that Hunter would be transferred from the hospital to the Hospice. Hope is a wonderful thing. We asked questions and I prayed that my boy would recover enough so that he could ultimately be transferred to a rehabilitation facility.

It is so humbling to experience the love and care that the nurses and staff have for these ailing patients and one’s heart can only be lifted with the love and empathy they show. The peaceful and tranquil atmosphere that prevailed when entering the facility was indescribable and one’s heart was immediately at peace.

The Hospice does not ask for anything in return for their services. However, donations are eagerly welcomed and accepted.

Hunter only spent a few days at the Hospice, where, unfortunately he was oblivious to everything around him, as his condition had deteriorated to being non-responsive. This did not deter the dedication the staff showed towards him and he was taken care of with the utmost love and patience. The dignity with which patients are cared for, the love that is shown is beyond compare. It was so satisfying to know that he had 24 hour care and was in a safe environment 24/7. I cannot explain what that meant to me. Knowing that he passed on with dignity in such a calm and loving environment can only attract admiration and gratefulness in the eyes of the beholder.

My gratitude cannot be expressed in words. On the morning of his passing I was contacted directly by the sister on duty, who today is no longer in their employ. Many, many thanks Lindsay, wherever you are today.

It is sad to note that the in-care facility has been discontinued and that home visits are now taking place where nursing staff members are sent to monitor and take care of patients.

To all the persons with whom I have had communication at Hospice, my heartfelt thanks for everything you did for my son. The 15th May 2019, commemorated 6 years since Hunter went to meet the Lord. He walks the streets of heaven now and sits beside God’s golden throne. He was afforded the dignity, peace and tranquillity of being with very special people at Hospice and for this I am extremely grateful.

Thank you and God bless you all.

Marge Knight

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