‘Miracle’ saves South Coast Hospice

Categories: In The Media.

MIRACLES do happen – as South Coast Hospice has proved by ending one of its most difficult years ever with a reasonable surplus of funds.

But then, this amazing organisation is no stranger to miracles, as many long-time associates pointed out after the recent, well-attended 30th annual general meeting.

When he delivered his report, treasurer Richard Savage said the surplus of R1,2-million at the end of the financial year did not paint a true picture of the organisation’s financial situation.

It had been an incredibly difficult year, he said.

South Coast Hospice had hit rock bottom when the sorely needed bequest and donation of R2-million had miraculously been received. A few months before the situation had been so dire that hospice had faced possible closure.

Staff had even taken voluntary salary reductions. Had hospice not received the very welcome gifts, it would have ended the year with a deficit of R800 000, Mr Savage explained. The surplus would hopefully help to carry hospice through what looked like becoming another difficult year.

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